Data sharing policy
This page addresses the article sharing policy in open access scholarly journals published by SKUMS.
Is it permissible for authors to archive their submitted articles in an open access repository?
No. The authors submitting an article to a journal are not allowed to publish the submitted material in an open repository prior to completion of peer-review and publishing by the journal in question. However, the data of the submitted work publicized on a website, including the registries of clinical trials, are excluded from this disallow and can provide publicized data from the article in an acceptable format prior to publication.
Can authors archive their accepted articles in an open access repository?
Yes. The authors can deposit their corrected version of manuscript in open repositories following acceptance by the journal.
Are authors allowed to archive the final published article (PDF) in an open access repository?
Yes. The authors are recommended to archive the final PDF version of their article in open repositories, including those of their respective universities.
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