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Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology
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Journal of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences
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Peer review policy
All submissions to the journal go through a double-blind review process. A peer review system including two or three reviewers is applied to guarantee the quality of manuscripts accepted for publication. First, our editors check all essential points of the manuscript and have the right to decline the review process.
The review process continues based on the following steps:
1. The editorial board assigns the manuscript to scientific reviewers and, if required, statisticians and sends it to the chosen reviewers.
2. The reviewers submit the review reports.
3. The editorial board evaluates the submitted reports. After evaluation, the editor chooses between the following decisions:
· Accept
· Minor Revision
· Major Revision
· Reject
Authors usually have 15 days to resubmit the revised manuscript if the decision is Minor Revision or Major Revision. Authors may contact email addresses if they require an extension. Upon resubmission, the editor may send the manuscript back to external reviewers or decide based on personal expertise. Finally, the managing editor receives the reviewers’ comments and sends them with a decision letter to the corresponding author. The Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision on each manuscript.
Postal Address: Deputy of Research and Technology, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Kashani Blvd., Shahrekord, Iran
Tel: +98-38-33349509
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